Whose Body is it Anyway?

I used to work at Mayo Clinic.

It was like ‘Disneyland for Doctors’ I was told.

And it was - in the sense that all the treats you could desire were on hand - if by ‘treats’ you meant you could order any clinical test under the sun…

And we helped many families.

And I am honoured to have worked there, at such a wonderful institution.

And yet…

Reading this article reminded me of the human cost working in healthcare can bring, be it in the US or in the NHS - more so of course, because of the pandemic.

My sense is, that the existence outlined in this article is common among healthcare professionals.

Existing at work, while being in a constant state of hyper-arousal, always waiting for the next emergency.

Existing at work, while ignoring the basic signals from our bodies - to eat, to wee, to drink, to rest. 

Not universal, thankfully, but common.

Case in point: I love dance. 

So much so I was a dance teaching assistant, but I gave it all up on entry to medical school, because - that’s what you did - right? 

I then proceeded to continue in this vein for the next 10 years; 

In learning about ‘the body’ I chose repeatedly to ignore the signals from my own body.

I ignored feelings of hunger, thirst, pain and tiredness. 


I ignored feelings of loss, anger and sadness. And also, sometimes, of joy and pride. 


Not surprising then, that down the line I ignored the next signal from my body - this time it was grinding my teeth so often I cracked a molar. 


I didn’t realise until I recovered that this had been a warning sign. 


A warning I was heading into burnout.

Of course, these were mostly all my choices; though at the time I didn’t realise that either.

Now, I work to empower others to listen to themselves and exercise their own unique choices.

Re-connecting with our own bodies can be a really great place to start listening to ourselves.

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You can use formal practices like mindfulness or yoga, or more informal ones…

…how about - simply drinking when you are thirsty? 

You are nourishing yourself - literally and metaphorically.

How do you listen to the signals from your body?

And with that - I’m off to have a cup of tea - as that’s what I need right now ☺

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Explore more: 

Click here for more on the author and a US based medical storytelling community.

Thrive Workshop

I am launching my first open access Thrive Workshop!

It’s a great opportunity to develop tools to sustain your wellbeing despite everything going on.

I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes

It’s what you do right now that makes a difference.
— Mark Bowden

I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Send me an email! I’m on theworkingwellexperience@gmail.com


What’s on my bedside table this summer…


Something’s Burning