How are you Feeling About your Career?


Good I hope ☺

But let’s be honest, not all of us are feeling that good about our careers after the year we’ve had.

Some of us are feeling disillusioned, exhausted and overstretched, wondering ‘what next’?

If this is you, this article ‘How can I re-focus on my career after the pandemic?’ may help.


I wrote it with the wonderful Dr Clare Kaye and Dr Adam Harrison. 

In it, I discuss some of my favourite tools to get your career-planning-juices flowing.

I use them often when I work with wonderful people (like you ☺) as we explore and develop their career plans.

Case in point: The skills inventory can be really fun.

Here, I ask you to describe one of your recent non – work projects. 

Recent examples include home renovations and rearing chickens!

We then brainstorm all the skills you used to get this baby off the ground. 

We go to town, really drilling down to clearly delineate your underlying strengths.

… The wonderful thing is – there are always tons! 

Yes. That’s you. With your manifold strengths.

And many are transferable.

And you may even have developed a few more due to the demands of the pandemic… 

…leaving you feeling all warm and fuzzy, as you now have a clear birds-eye view of the skills you can bring to your next role, or use to ramp up your enjoyment of your current one. 


Explore More

Ready to discuss your career planning?

Just click here - I love coaching people to develop the right work for them!

Thrive Workshop

The first in my series of Thrive Workshops is now open for registration!

I’ll leave you with one of my favourite quotes

What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?
— Mary Oliver

I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Send me an email! I’m on


Something’s Burning


You Are Not a Frog