Do you have a Word of the Year?
How is the New Year treating you?
Are you a fan of the New Year mantras?
I have been mulling these over this past week, as there do seem to be rather a lot of them about!
"New Year, New You…"
...Wasn’t the ‘old’ you OK?
New Year's Resolutions…
...Don’t get me wrong, I do love a bit of planning and goal setting
- though a resolution set arbitrarily in January doesn’t feel as helpful as goals we choose how and when to implement…
Word of the Year…
...I will confess to having a soft spot for this one.
I find it helpful as a prompt to summarise my intentions for the year.
And to ‘keep me on track’ as the year progresses.
And to review, come December, how the year went.
Last year my word was ‘Build’.
It sat on a post-it note on my pin-board; and it did provide a nudge here a there, as the year progressed.
I think I built a fair bit, all told.
This year I have chosen ‘Celebrate’.
Not because there is an obvious abundance of things clamouring to be celebrated, at present.
But precisely because - it feels at times, like there isn’t.
It feels like this year, we may have to choose to find things to celebrate.
They may not be immediately apparent, with the pressures of Omicron, travel restrictions, workload, patient expectations and the other stuff our work and lives can throw up.
But they are there, nonetheless.
Being a bit of a not-so-secret science geek, one of my favourite things to celebrate, when it’s all looking a bit bleak is - gravity.
How would life be - if gravity didn’t exist?
So, as I type 'Celebrate' is perched on my pin-board... (I'll let you know how it goes)
...What are your intentions for the year ahead?
If you set a word of the year, message me to let me know - I'd love to hear it!
And here’s a quote about the choices we make …
“Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood...”