Twinkle, Twinkle
Are you a perfectionist?
…I recently resumed the violin – although my current musical high point is ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ it brings me great joy and loads of giggles!
Playing of any sort; an instrument, with kids – (or grown-ups!) can help you bring more playfulness into all you do, at home and in your career.
Play can help us get into ‘flow’ – the state where time seems to fly – and this is great for recharging our batteries and creative problem solving.
At present this is more important than ever, as so many of us are feeling drained and exhausted after the year we have been through…
Play helps your career
Have a listen to Thrive Pod with the lovely Claire Kaye, Executive Coach, (@drclairekaye_executivecoaching) where we discuss the links between play and career development – among other things!
Its availible on instagram @working_well_doctor
How working out what you really love can help you sustain your career for the long term
How to explore your transferrable skills (you have more than you think!)
The 3 R’s for career development; Reflect, Reinvent, Rebuild
My violin playing and her singing! (clue – she’s a tad more advanced than ‘Twinkle Twinkle’)
Are you a perfectionist?
I am!
Play can also help us let go of perfectionism.
Perfectionism is common in medics – and can be linked to poor mental health.
In my Thrive Workshops we often explore how striving for excellence may be a more helpful approach than striving for perfection.
I sometimes use photo above as an example.
It is a a beautiful, you could even say, excellent, leaf...but it's not perfect.
Hence, I am so proud of playing “Twinkle Twinkle” – imperfectly!
What do you do imperfectly that brings you joy?
Hit reply, I'd love to hear!
Are you or your team flagging?
You are not alone.
Many of us are feeling overstretched after the year we have been through.
Lack of time, space to think or connect are really draining us and our teams.
It can can really help to have a safe space to think and effective tools to help you take positive action to get you and your teams unstuck.
Are you ready to get unstuck?
Get in touch to discuss how a Thrive Workshop or Careers or Team Coaching can help you.
Click here to discuss how a Workshop or Coaching can help you.
Open Access Thrive Workshops Coming Soon!
In the next few months I am running a short series of Open Acess Thrive Workshops to share fabulous strategies to get you working and living well.
They will be fun, safe, interactive spaces to reflect & learn - so you can make the most of the year ahead.
You will come away feeling inspired & empowered.
Just message me to pre-register your interest.
I'll leave you with a quote from George Bernard Shaw:
"We don't stop playing beacuse we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing"
Message me to let me know your thoughts!