How To Transform An Overflowing Rubbish Bin
In Person Workshops!
I was super lucky last week to deliver some Perform and Thrive Workshops in person for the first time since lockdown 1.0!!
It was a fun, rich and rewarding experience connecting with great people in real life.
I’m really looking forward to more in person workshops when the opportunity allows in the upcoming weeks.
Transform a Dismal Scene
Let me tell you about the drive home.
As luck would have it, I took my break at a forlorn motorway services, with a boarded-up petrol station and an overflowing rubbish bin in the car park.
My initial instinct was to hunker down in the car with my take-away coffee, to block out this dismal scene.
I decided instead to practice what I had just been preaching in my workshop!
Optimising Breaks
I got out of the car.
Took 3 deep breaths.
Did 10 star jumps (yes…I really did…you gotta move your body right?)
And I noticed…
…that the bin was overflowing – not due to human neglect as I had assumed – but because an inquisitive rook was foraging there…
…which led me to reflect on how wonderfully intelligent rooks are…
…that the overgrown bush next to my car was in fact a vibrant gorse covered in warm hued yellow flowers…
…that the cloud pattern shifted in the few minutes I was there…
…and I felt…
Simple joy at these simple contacts with nature.
Connecting with nature is the theme of Mental Health Awareness week we just had.
How can you find more contacts with nature?
Explore More
A quote from recent research by Mental Health Research foundation:
‘The key message of this research evidence is a need to shift our attention from focusing on getting people to visit natural and sometimes remote spaces, to focusing on how people can tune in and connect with “everyday” nature close to home through simple activities...’
Mental Health Awareness week resources are here
And the full poem by Mary Oliver is here
Open Access Thrive Workshops Coming Soon!
In the next few months I am running a short series of Open Access Thrive Workshops to share fabulous strategies to get you working and living well.
They will be fun, safe, interactive spaces to reflect & learn.
You will come away feeling inspired & empowered.
Send me an email to pre-register your interest.
And I’ll leave you with a quote…
from Mary Oliver
‘It doesn’t have to be
the blue iris, it could be
weeds in a vacant lot, or a few
small stones; just
pay attention…’ -Praying
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