What choices are available to you?
Do you know what to do in the face of change?
I hope you and yours are doing well.
Do you know what to do in the face of change?
Recently, I have found myself feeling more unsure…
…I have been asking myself, how can I respond mindfully to changing events?
…the answer that resonates boils down to this:
Start with responding.
Not reacting.
Take the time to pause and reflect.
Choose the path that feels right.
Then take positive action to support others and sustain ourselves.
Choice underpins all this.
I draw inspiration from this wonderful quote by Vicotr Frankl - who survived the Nazi concentration camps:
“The last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.”
- Viktor Frankl
What choices are available to you?
Get in touch!
Drop me a line to discuss coaching or workshops – as this feels like a time when we all need to be supporting each other, more than ever.
And here’s another wonderful quote about choice
"Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood..."
The Road Not Taken
-Robert Frost
I’d love to know your thoughts! Send me an email - I’m on theworkingwellexperience@gmail.com