How are you feeling?

I don’t know about you, but with the ongoing not-so-good-international news alongside the usual helping of personal ups and downs things feel a bit full on.

We discuss this in pretty much every workshop I run.

‘Stressed’ crops up very often.

Then we explore what underlies this.

Because stress isn’t an emotion.

Knowing your underlying emotion gives you insight -

  • Are you feeling upset about the latest GP bashing in the media?

  • Or worried about that patient you saw yesterday?

We are human.

These feelings are normal. Along with the positive ones we hopefully feel too -

·       Proud of your last consultation.

·       Connected as you finally had a chat in real life with your colleague.

·       Excited to finally have booked annual leave.

This insight gives you power.

Power to choose how to help yourself feel better.

Worried? - you may choose to share with a colleague, or add a safety net.

Angry? - you can choose to change what feels unfair.

Rosa Parks always springs to mind here.

Imagine if she had merely labelled her feelings as ‘stress’, or mislabelled her emotion as worry?

She had to know she felt angry to make the choice to remain on her seat on that bus.

That insight fuelled her to make her courageous choice.

And look how powerful that choice was.

If you are looking to explore themes like these, while having some fun, then a Thrive Workshops could be just the thing your team needs.

I have a handful of slots available before the summer to:

·       Enhance your team’s connection

·       Explore how to Thrive at Work

·       Discuss ways to Beat Burnout

Some Interesting Nuggets For You

Stay hopeful despite everything

Inspiring cancer campaigner and journalist Deborah James has moved to hospice-at-home care for her bowel cancer and started the wonderful raising money to fund clinical trials, reduce stigma and raise awareness of colon cancer.

She knows she doesn’t have long but is planning her legacy. Typing this with tears in my eyes…

Play an instrument

It’s like going to the gym – for your brain. Learn more here.

A shot in the arm of positivity

Worth a click - this years Eurovision Contest winners - and runner up

Get in touch

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And some availability for Thrive Workshops


What can a marmalade sandwich teach you?


How do you make imposter syndrome vanish