Anyone for a Snow Picnic?

Snow…what snow?

Snow…what snow?

We had a snow day this week!

It snowed, we were outside with friends. We carried on. 

It snowed some more, we wrapped up, had a hot drink and carried on. 

When it snowed even harder - we enjoyed an outdoor snow picnic.

Like - really enjoyed it. 

I am a chilly beast. I feel the cold easily. 

A year ago, I would have dashed home at the first whiff of snow and foregone time with friends.

Now, the thought literally didn't cross my mind. 

Lockdown has taught me not to take time with friends lightly, but to cherish it for what it really is, a precious gift. 

One that is definitely not to be taken for granted.

Snow?...what snow?

Choosing to focus on enjoying time with friends meant the snow literally didn’t matter.

Or in the case of my lovely labrador - choosing to focus on the manky tennis ball, meant the snow literally didn't matter!

Did it snow with you this week? How did you respond?

What priorties have shifted for you a year into the pandemic?

How has this affected what you choose to cherish?


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